Fire Safety For Children

In North America, children die or are seriously hurt in fires twice as often as adults. Teach your children the importance of fire safety at an early age.

Matches and Lighters
Don't let your children play with fire. Children are fascinated by fire. They don't understand the danger of playing with matches and lighters. Always keep matches and lighters away from children. Store them up high, preferably in a locked cabinet. Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
Tell your children if they find matches or lighters:

  • not to touch them, and

  • to call an adult/grown-up right away.

Teach your children that:

  • matches and lighters are not toys and are dangerous;

  • fire can hurt them and destroy things;

  • once a fire is started it is difficult to control;

  • matches and lighters should only be used by adults.


Stop, Drop and Roll
Practice the Stop, Drop and Roll movements with your children. This could save their lives if their clothes ever caught on fire. Have your children pretend that their clothes are on fire. Then tell them to:

  • Stop - Get them to stop where they are, and stop what they are doing. Don't run!

  • Drop - Get them to drop to the floor as quickly as possible.

  • Roll - Have them cover their face with their hands, then roll over and over until the flames are out.

Plan to Get Out Alive
When children see smoke or fire they often respond by trying to hide, for example in a closet, or under a bed. Tell your children that they cannot hide from fire but they can escape if they follow a few simple rules.

  • Prepare a home fire escape plan with your children.

  • Practice fire drills at least twice a year with your children.

  • Show your children different ways to get out of every room.

  • Make sure your children know how to get out of their home. Show them how to unlock doors and windows.

  • In an apartment, your children need to know which stairways will get them out of the building.

  • Tell your children never to take the elevator during a fire.

  • Decide on a planned meeting area outside the home as part of your home fire escape plan.

  • Never go back into a burning building!

Get out, stay out and stay alive!

  • Teach your children the Fire Department phone number, 9-1-1.

  • Call the Fire Department from a neighbor's phone.

Crawl Low Under Smoke
Teach your children:

  • smoke is dangerous;

  • smoke rises, so cleaner, cooler air is near the floor;

  • to get down on their hands and knees and crawl low under the smoke to the nearest exit.

Smoke Alarms
Make sure children know what a smoke alarm is. Children must know:

  • smoke alarms warn them if a fire starts;

  • to get out of the house immediately when they hear the sound of the smoke alarm;

  • smoke alarms are not toys and should not be played with. Show your child how important smoke alarms are by testing your smoke alarm every month and changing the battery at least once a year.

  • Visit our Smoke Detector page for more information

Further Information

In case of fire or an emergency, call the Fire Department at 9-1-1.

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Copyright © 2000-2005 Lynbrook Fire Department. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 04, 2018 .

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